If you had one thousand piles of diamonds and one thousand diamonds in each pile, only one of those diamonds would be a 1-carat diamond. It would take 5 times that quantity to find a 2 carat stone. DeBeers, the world’s diamond supplier, has no answer to the question how many stones have to be mined to get a 3 carat stone. 80% of all diamonds mined are industrial quality; only 20% are gem-quality. Gem quality diamonds are found in only four places world-wide: Africa, Russia, Australia and Canada
Mining Cost: 250 tons of earth must be removed to find one 1-carat stone. (a one carat diamond is the size of a pea and weighs only one-fifth of a gram). Diamonds are the most sought after substance on earth. Diamond miners have invested into state-of-the-art technology to search for diamonds where only explorers have gone before. They have developed equipment to dive to the darkest depths of the ocean and sweep the ocean floor.
- Cut: It takes ten years training and cutting thousands of smaller diamonds before a diamond cutter is allowed to even touch a one carat stone. Cutters start on 3 and 4 pointers, then they move up to 10 and 12 pointers. They must master the smaller sizes before they can move up to ¼ carats, then years to up 1/3 carats, ½ carats and then ¾ carats.
- Endurance: A diamond is approximately 140% harder than the next hardest substance known to man. It is the only substance whose beauty is unaffected by age. A diamond can be worn 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for decades upon decades before passing it down in the very same condition as the day it was purchased.
- Antiquity Value: Diamonds are scientifically dated at 3.4 billion years old. They are so old, scientists are now using them to tell us how and when the oldest parts of our planet were formed. There is nothing for sale that is older.
- Investment Value: A diamond is an investment in love, not in dollars. Since 1940 diamonds have doubled in value every 10 years. However, their greatest value lies not in their monetary worth, but in the emotions invested within them. Most women would never sell their grandmother’s diamond ring. A diamond is an investment in life, in someone you love.
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