Get Paid to Click

Are you looking to make a little extra money on the side?
Do you want to make money while you surf the net? If so, you should look into what has to offer. They pay you to click on ads placed around certain websites.
For each ad you click on, you will get some money.
This is a great way to make money on your free time.

Signing up is easy, just take time to read all the information on the site and register.
  1. Click signingup or Register
  2. Just fill out the following:
-Email :
-Referrer: (must be "gazzan"/Type "gazzan")

  • Once you are done filling out the form, submit! You will be redirected to a confirmation page and your account will immediately be created.
  • Congratulations! You have just joined the Bux community, where online income sources are being realized!
  • Step Three: Log in!
Once you register, you will receive a list of the sites you have to visit. If you meet your monthly click quota, you will receive your payments.

3.Earn some money and click on some ads!
Click on the Surf Ads link

visit and get started on your clicking side job.>>>>
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